24 September 2008

Ok. I lied.

The optimism and fresh-page feeling of the other night has dissipated into the reality that my blog will actually not become anything more than a glorified journal that serves as an outlet for idle moments. But hey – that’s OK too, I guess.

Highlights of this idle moment include:

* I still love my new job.

* I’m running a 5k.

* Aside from my family, I apparently only have 5 friends and they are all unreachable because they are (a) out-of-the-country, (b) extremely busy, or (c) incapable of picking-up their phone, making phone calls, or checking voicemails. Yes, you, Amanda Craig, do not pick up your phone. Ever. I figure if I type your name a google search might draw you to this page and you might, might, might find that worthy of a one-liner email in my direction :)

* I have recently developed a deep longing to be a squirrel. This one is totally new to me considering that previously I was most interested in being a fish or bird (or hermit crab, but that’s a long story) if I wasn’t blessed to be the complicated and irrational creature that I am… But now it seems this bushy-tailed rodent also has a place in my realm of escapist fantasies.

Yes, it's albino.


Brittan said...

we had one at harvard. i named him "albert the albino."

unfortunately, i don't think he made it through the winter. :(

Sex and Politics said...

hermit crabs are my friends