To return where prior posts left off... After my misadventures in Menia and a couple weeks in Cairo, I ventured to the southSinai for week of... rejuvenation?
[ sharm ]
The nostalgia of sharm was a bit sharper than than the nostalgia of Cairo, but luckily I was distracted by a good friend and great diving. Hands down the highlight of Sharm was swimming with two playful mantaRays and an absolutely fantastic (read: my first) whaleShark with Eloise, Hadaba's resident cat-lover.
[ dahab ]
Dahab was, like Nice, another mini-vacation in solitude. I had never felt quite so alone and simultaneously so OK with it. I spent my first afternoon in Dahab snorkling at the Lagoon and somewhere between seeing familiar fishy faces and growing exhausted in the afternoon heat, I fell into a quiet stupor that lasted nearly my entire visit. Since arriving to Dahab the aforementioned 'unpacking' feeling has only grown more intense and more exhilarating. I actually feel like I am healing and repairing for the first time. Forgive this terribly mawkish metaphor, but I feel like my soul is a garden and these past few weeks I have completely uprooted it and slowly started to re-arrange the save-able seeds and bulbs and remove the necessary weeds or unsalvageable stems... I didn't even know I had so much tangled up inside me... I feel tremendously strong, balanced and like I don't have any loose ends left to tie up. It feels good to know what I want and that I am slowly (ok, snail-paced-ly) moving towards it.
The Dahab highlight: The 31 minutes between exiting the Chimney at Bells and crossing over the saddle into the Blue Hole. This is apparently where my soul feels the most alive.
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