Today was the best day of my year so far, which is impressive considering how phenomenal and frenzied 2008 has been... The exact details of why this was the best day of my year are not ripe enough to expose, but let's just say that on the taksi ride back from wast-elbalad, where I had spent an evening of good conversation with 3 of my LE volunteers at el-Horreyya, the driver played several BobMarley songs that captured my soul precisely.
To return where prior posts left off... After my misadventures in Menia and a couple weeks in Cairo, I ventured to the southSinai for week of... rejuvenation?
[ sharm ]
The nostalgia of sharm was a bit sharper than than the nostalgia of Cairo, but luckily I was distracted by a good friend and great diving. Hands down the highlight of Sharm was swimming with two playful mantaRays and an absolutely fantastic (read: my first) whaleShark with Eloise, Hadaba's resident cat-lover.
[ dahab ]
Dahab was, like Nice, another mini-vacation in solitude. I had never felt quite so alone and simultaneously so OK with it. I spent my first afternoon in Dahab snorkling at the Lagoon and somewhere between seeing familiar fishy faces and growing exhausted in the afternoon heat, I fell into a quiet stupor that lasted nearly my entire visit. Since arriving to Dahab the aforementioned 'unpacking' feeling has only grown more intense and more exhilarating. I actually feel like I am healing and repairing for the first time. Forgive this terribly mawkish metaphor, but I feel like my soul is a garden and these past few weeks I have completely uprooted it and slowly started to re-arrange the save-able seeds and bulbs and remove the necessary weeds or unsalvageable stems... I didn't even know I had so much tangled up inside me... I feel tremendously strong, balanced and like I don't have any loose ends left to tie up. It feels good to know what I want and that I am slowly (ok, snail-paced-ly) moving towards it.
The Dahab highlight: The 31 minutes between exiting the Chimney at Bells and crossing over the saddle into the Blue Hole. This is apparently where my soul feels the most alive.
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