19 October 2006

I am repeatedly impressed by AUC students ability to sit in the most incontinent of locations. It is not uncommon to have a dozen girls sitting at the foot of a stair case simply chilling, usually with sourpuss looks on their faces and cigarettes in hand. Other times, it is a girl and her boyfriend sitting just far enough a part and centered on the stair so perfectly that it is infuckingpossible to continue up the stairs without some awkward moment where you interrupt their conversation and they make you feel invasive for – heaven forbid – going to class. The quirks of AUC campus bring me an odd comfort, but should I have not been blessed with such a lazy temperament and easily-entertained sense of humor, they would inspire nothing short of insanity. Nevertheless, the first rounds of mid-term exams has passed with far better results that expected (alHamdulila) and just one nominal day of classes (as nearly all international students are leaving tonite… Greg to Palestine, Amanda and Ali to Israel and Turkey, Sasha to Lebanon and Jordan…) stands between me and Eid alFitr break. Mmmm…

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