03 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Never before have my new year's resolutions been so public.  Perhaps that's because, somehow, I've come to understand 'public' nature, like so many things in life, to be highly dependent on the environment.  Bill Gates said "the internet is becoming the town square of tomorrow's global village."  Agreed and long story short, one of three things usually happens when a person does something in a town square:
  • A person gets arrested because what he or she did was offensive to someone or otherwise created hazard in the space.
  • A person gets applauded because what he or she is doing pleases passersby, who then - through the transformative power of belonging -  create an emergent community, the audience. 
  • A person gets ignored by most passersby, and if what he or she is doing is at all novel, they might get starred at, laughed at, whispered about, smiled at or photographed.
All that to say:  It's 2013, big woop.

No. 1:  Less e-clutter
I resolve to read emails from real people only.  This means knowing who is behind the listServ or letting mass media get to me through other channels than my inbox. 

No. 2:  Finish more than I start
I resolve to become a good finisher.  That means finishing more than I start or only starting what I might actually finish.

No. 3:  Sweat often
I resolve to move more.  This means walking, riding and jogging to my destination or stepping it up at TPS. 

No. 4:  Recognize my best
I resolve to always do my best.  This means giving it all I've got and accepting when I haven't got enough. 

No. 5:  Share what I'm working on
I resolve to be more public about the ideas that interest me.  This means developing my website or blogging regularly.

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