07 November 2012

An Important Perspective

"Parents: please, please help our younger generation grow up understanding of both the good and bad side of each political party. Please.

Today I was talking to a newly-turned-14-year old girl that I love and adore, and she asked me who I voted for and upon telling her, I was told that I was voting against God. Wait -- what? My heart was pounding and I was so
, so sad.

She asked me why I would vote that way, and I tried to explain that both parties have their positives and negatives, but I am basing much of my vote on wanting college to be more affordable, wanting my mom to be able to get healthcare in her aging years, believing in women's rights in both wage and health, and if nothing else, as a Christian wanting to use my money for others who have been less fortunate than myself. I daily appreciate what the government can do for individual lives and the common good, and I am fine knowing not everyone agrees with that. I feel that sometimes adequately "caring for the least of these" requires some government support.

Again, this is how I feel right now, and I really am not trying to put down anyone who begs to differ, but I am trying to show there is not the "Christian party" and then "the ones who vote against God."

Both of our candidates are Christians. Both of them love America. I think both of them are probably really great guys who really want to do the best they can. Both parties do things that are against Christian beliefs, and both parties have policies that align with Biblical values.

As a Christian, I firmly believe I did not "vote against God" and it hurts my heart to the absolute core to have someone I love so much, and someone so young, tell me so. Today as a Christian, I voted for charity. As a daughter, I voted for health. As a wife, I voted for love. As a learner, I voted for opportunity. As a woman, I voted for freedom. As a citizen, I voted for peace. As a friend, I voted for equality. Next election, I will continue to vote for whichever candidate supports these values, no matter their political affiliation.

No one knows what the next four years will bring, but I do know how important it is for the next generation of voters to understand what this all means. Please don't pass on judgements or ignorance, but rather pass on knowledge and even some suggestions. I want them to be our presidents someday, and imagine the war this could turn into if we made it a battle of religions...."

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