It seems appropriate that I feel drawn to this humble little blog now, even though it's been entry-less and collecting dust for months. I began this blog when my plans to study abroad in Egypt started to blossom. I blogged pretty fanatically, as many westerners in cairo do, and then blogged only intermittently -- totally abandoned it until recently.
I've reached what I'll call the gestalt stage in life. This is the fantastic stage where all the various pieces, personalities and problems of your life arrange and align themselves in such a way that your mind or soul finds a clear image amidst them.
In the same way that psychologists explain the ability to perceive more explicit spatial information from a stimulus than the stimulus itself is projecting, so the gestalt stage of life enables one to perceive the greater pattern and smooth idea of their experiences. I had a high school teacher who always told us to refine our essays in a way that kept a smooth idea subtly projecting in the background. While that doesn't sound too ground-breaking, something about it stuck to my teenage soul and I've always wanted to have "a smooth idea subtly projecting in the background" of my life.
Something about that smooth idea in my life definitely has to do with sunny days and sinai beaches, so this summery dc evening, as I'm on the cusp of another trip to الشرق المجنون - الشرق الحلو and feeling particularly gestalt-y, seems to be a fine time to dust off my blog.
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