05 December 2006

Ahlan ya December, and the pre-finals blog paralysis that comes with it...

me: why did you chose to study in Cairo?
sash: to study Islam in a traditional environment, ironically.
me: hah. ooh the things we wish for.
sash: yea but this isn't traditional. this is hyperpsychotic gender, race, and class stratification.

@Ali's Image Pharmacy:
man: thilatha wa nus
me: mashy. lazem...bank... (proceed to explain that i'll be right back in broken arabish)
man: (understands but seems confused) mashy.
(several minutes later, i return and hand the man 350 pounds, which is like $60, to which he responded with a huuuuuuge fit of laughter and said)
man: thilatha wa nus. mish thitha mia wa nus!
me: laa-aa!
man: iowa. three and half pounds.
me: fil mish mish!
man: haha, you were going to pay 350 pounds?
me: min amrika, da grali awi...
man: hahaha.... good bye, come again...haha.
me: masalama (feeling like such an idiot)

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